Toll-free: 1-877-844-4180; Call/Text (347) 688-4808; (516) 670-5333
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Hire a Caregiver/Companion
To start the search, please fill out the Employer's Questionaire. A placement specialist will contact you within 24 hours or the next business day. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Filipinos Of NY has the largest database of certified caregivers on the East Coast. We have a large list of caregivers with great work experiences (some had worked as nurses in the Philippines, UAE, Japan, UK, HK, etc..), Certified Home Health Aide, and have good references. Our caregivers are sought after by employers around the world for their utmost care for their patients, dedication to their job, hard work, clean (no shortcut), responsibility, honesty, always can-do attitude, and wearing friendly smiles even in a stressful environment. Hiring caregivers through the Filipinos Of NY Agency can save families as much as 50 percent more than if they hired the same caregivers from other agencies.
Caregivers from our agency get 100% of their pay (no salary cut) compared to other agencies who cut 15-20% of their weekly pay. Higher-earning caregivers are more engaged and offer better quality care. Our Caregivers have passed a thorough application and interview process and meet specific criteria before we even put them into our system of highly qualified candidates. We have a list of caregivers with great work experiences (some had worked as a nurse in the Philippines and other countries), Certified Home Health Aide and they have good references.
We provide expert:
Home health aides (HHA)
Personal care aides (PCA)
Home attendants (CDPAP/CDPAS)
Registered nurses
Physical therapists
Occupational therapists
Speech therapists
Social workers
Why hire from Filipinos of NY?
Exclusive Filipino workers database
Competitive (lowest) rate in the market
English is the Philippines' second national language
Our candidates have extensive experience and verified references
Zero-fee policy for job applicants
Background check applicants' records from nationwide data sources, arrest records, criminal convictions, driving-related offenses, addresses, phone numbers, birth dates, and information from social media profiles.
Face-to-face interview
Interpol search
Nationwide Criminal Records Investigation (nationwide)
Nationwide Sex and Violent Offenders Search
Federal Bureau of Prisons (Nationwide)
NY Department of Correction
Photo Search
Phone Search
Immigration & Customs Enforcement
Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine/test
FDA Certified FDA-Certified 12-Panel Drug Test
Motor Vehicle Record Report
Past References Verification
Review of Social Media Accounts & entire web
Code of Conduct (Do's & Don'ts)
Eldercare/Caregiver Provider's Job:
Assist the elderly, provide companionship, or assist persons with disabilities with daily living activities at the person's home or in a care facility. Caregivers help their clients with daily activities, such as bathing and bathroom functions, meal preparation, feeding, grooming, personal care, taking medication, pet care, mobility, vital signs monitoring, shopping, and some housework. Caregivers help clients make and keep appointments with doctors, provide or arrange transportation, and serve as companions for their clients.
Salaries: Hourly minimum (Beginner's rate) $20-24/hour or $250-290/day. East Coast average Caregiver rate is $25-35/hour, and live-in $300-350/day 1-on-1 24-hour care. Higher rate for caregivers with driving and special care like ALS, Alzheimer's, Dementia, dialysis, vent, respiratory difficulties, diabetic, wheelchair-bound, and bed-bound at least $30 to $45 per hour (depending on the patient's case).